أحجار على رقعة الشطرنج

by Alrawahi

Books & Reference


When the First World War began, William Jay Carr had joined the US Navy, and while he was moving up the ranks, he continued to study the dimensions of the major Jewish conspiracy.Before his mysterious death, he published his book "Satan, Prince of the World" and "Red Fog Over America" ​​in addition to his book "Stones on the Chessboard", which thinkers considered a harbinger of the worlds wise men, to unite in the march of good and defeat the global forces of evil.The preparation of this book took four decades of research, investigation, follow-up and analysis between 1911 and 1950 AD, so its first edition appeared in 1958 AD, and it contained serious information and facts about what a handful of Jewish and non-Jewish Zionists did in each of England, France, Spain, Germany, Russia, Eastern Europe and the United States of America, in different periods of its history.This book deals with global Zionism and studies the origins, goals and methods of this global Zionist movement, and discusses how to attract the Jews to the highest dignitaries in the world and control the fate of countries by means of malice, money and women.